What is the War for Talent? I have been in recruiting / talent acquisition for 19 years and for as long as I can remember, I have heard the term “War For Talent.” This term simply refers to the challenge of finding and keeping good people on your team or in your company. I Googled […]
Millennials – What They Bring To the Table
(#3 in Millennial Series) Funny how when things don’t fit a certain mold or expectation, our first reaction can often be one of judgment or resistance. I started out life saying that I wouldn’t say things that my parents said – but as I’ve aged and raised my own kids, I find myself saying some […]
Recruiting Millennials – Getting It Right
(#2 in Millennial Series) Companies everywhere are trying to figure out the Millennial puzzle! I led a workshop on Millennials this past summer at a conference for homebuilders and most everyone who attended the session had issues with hiring Millennials. Either due to “fake news”, assumptions, word on the street or personal experience. Hiring leaders […]
Millennials – What’s the Real Deal?
(#1 in Millennial Series) For the past couple of years I have recruited, managed and studied millennials and have given careful consideration to this generation. All three of my kids are part of this group, so couple my parenting with my management responsibilities, I have a vested interest in understanding millennials and learning what I […]
Help Is Not Far Away . . .
I spent 15 years leading talent acquisition in corporate America and during that time I vigorously opposed the thought of getting help with a search. I have always been drawn to recruiting by the thrill of the hunt – finding the perfect candidate. And NO ONE was going to find that person before one of […]
Where Are the Good Candidates?
We have been in a “candidate market” for some time now. This is a job market where many candidates easily find multiple positions of interest and, in many cases, have multiple offers coming their way. This may not apply to EVERY opening in EVERY market, but by and large, we have seen a candidate rich […]